Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Some of the best feelings I experience are the result of reading or hearing someone say something so spot-on, so fabulous, so true that my mind is left feeling light, happy, and excited. A few months ago this happened as I was perusing Style.com for my daily fashion fix and stumbled upon a video profile of my sole-mate, Christian Louboutin.

Like many other females I have always wondered why no one has yet to make (at least as far as I know) a comfortable high-heel. As I graduated from chunky heels in my teens to designer stilettos in my twenties, I was under the illusion that paying several hundred dollars for a pair of designer heels would mean that they would be less painful. My sore arches and blisters disagree. And this was all very frustrating until Mr. Louboutin shared a few simple truths with me. He described his aim: "I wanted to do shoes that are really just for seduction, for pleasure, for sex. That's it! A shoe you cannot run, cannot even walk. You want to run in a shoe, buy sneekers."

So there you have it. High heels were never meant to be comortable. They are meant for taxis, dinners and seduction. They exist to make women look beautiful, sexy, and alluring. I love it! Isn't the truth liberating?

And one more thing. I would just like to say that I find it really upsetting that lower-end footwear manufacturers not only copy Mr. Louboutin's time-consuming designs to the T, but they have also started to paint their soles that same trademark shade of red! So please support the true designers by saying no to the newest trend in counterfeit fashion, knock-off shoes. Pay homage to the holy trinity of shoes: Manolo, Choo and Louboutin.

(see http://www.batchplease.com/2007/10/what-should-christian-do.html to see just how similar the copy shoe is)

1 comment:

Miranym said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe Steve Madden would do such an outright copycat version! But you know, aside from Louboutin, designer heels are supposed to have some level of comfort! I watched this episode of the What Not to Wear lady visiting a shoe production company in Italy and they put over 20 hours into each shoe! There's also a lot of ergonomic design that goes into the base and the heel. I've never walked in a pair myself, but I wouldn't spend hundreds on a pair only to kill my feet! Well, maybe on that pair you blogged about... which I also did on Facebook a while ago. Weird, but we both talk about copycat designs
